Heyhey, here's some horse artillery and light infantry Jägers from the lovely kingdom of Württemberg, from around 1809.
Heyhey, here's some horse artillery and light infantry Jägers from the lovely kingdom of Württemberg, from around 1809.
Heyhey, just a quick heads-up: I'll be at Austrian Salute again this year on the 22nd of March. They're at a new venue now which is said to be really neat. So even more of a reason to look forward to this event.
Always a pleasure, and despite the thing being a smaller event, the quality and selection of games more than makes up for it. I also just dig the atmosphere; it's always a great get-together. For further information on the event or if you have questions, check out this forum thread.
Hope to see you there!
Heyhey, just a quick one for the first post of 2025 - a friend most gaciously gave me a sprue last time we had a game, because there was a Dark Elf on the sprue and I'm a Dark Elf player, in need of a general on foot. Based on the Dark Elves Black Ark Fleetmaster figure; I just swapped arms and head and there ya go! Dark Elves general with sea dragon cloak, hand weapon, heavy armour, enchanted shield. :D
Hope you like him!