
Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

WIP: Some Infinity stuff

Today just a few snapshots of a few Infinity models I started working on during a few days of illness some weeks ago. The girl in the left I actually sculpted myself for the Hasslefree painting competition 2012. She also has some wings but I will paint those seperately.

The lady in the left is an original Infinity figure. I have to admit that I haven't played since summer 2012 when I ran an Infinity demo table at a convention but I still really like the models (Nomads mostly as you may have noticed from earlier posts, along with some Haqqislam for contrast). It's a rather new model, the Wildcat with Heavy Rocket Launcher.I really like her pose. I mean it's silly but that's what Infinity is. These days, most of their models seem to be sculpted to be posing rathern than being in a combat zone.

Hope you like them, and I hope that I have the time to finish them any time soon but you know what it's like with my own miniatures - hardly any time because I paint other people's models. ;-)

3 Kommentare:

  1. WIP it, WIP it real good!
    Great stuff sigur. The black-blues are just fantastic. Orange as the pop colour works perfectly. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Should have said "pink", not "orange". D'oh!

  3. Lovely work, even if WiP. Very nice sculpting too. :)
