
Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

WIP: Nurgle Reaver Titan

Right-o, on to the big boy model I currently have on my table (well, parts of it at least). Quite obviously Chaos-y, quite obviously a Reaver Titan. Very happy to finally get my grubs on one of those. For now I just finished the interiors (sans a bit of additional dirt/grime/generally icky things, maybe a dropped cone of ice cream). Kind of daunting but a nice challenge. Hope you like the head so far!

Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013

WIP: Nurgle Heldrake

Another WIP from the Nurgle stable. Please excuse the somewhat crappy picture quality, it's basically a snapshot taken during a bad time of the day but I'm sure you can make out the essentials. 

Very interesting model right there and I have to say that I "called it" even, albeit jokingly. I can't quite recall if the name was "leaked" as well then but when I had a chat with a friend about the then upcoming codex Chaos Space Marines, we were joking around and I said they should make the flyer just a giant, fire-breathing dragon. (What can I say, I like my 40k Chaos very fantasy-ish.) Well, I was rather surprised when the first pictures of this model showed up. Hope you like it so far!

Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

Review: 15mm Infantry Tank Mark II a.k.a. 'Matilda II'

Today we are going to take a look at a 15mm model. British, lumbering, slightly old-fashioned, doesn't like anti-air guns: it's the Matilda Mk.II.

Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2013

Merry Christmas!

Just dropping by for a little Yuletide sing-song and indeed for wishing all clients, fans and friends of Battle Brush Studios a very merry Christmas. 

What or how ever or indeed if at all you celebrate something these days, have a good time and enjoy. Thanks to every one of you and I'll see you soon!

Montag, 23. Dezember 2013

WIP: Nurgle Forgefiend

Boo! It's just WIP but look at that. I liked this model ever since it's release. It's kind of fun and since I painted most of it now, I like it even more.

Obviously, it's been Nurglified a little too. Should be done soon so stay tuned and I hope that you like the WIP picture so far!

Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2013

WIP: Some Infinity stuff

Today just a few snapshots of a few Infinity models I started working on during a few days of illness some weeks ago. The girl in the left I actually sculpted myself for the Hasslefree painting competition 2012. She also has some wings but I will paint those seperately.

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013

Review: Platoon Forward

Today I would like to present you with a very interesting little thing - Platoon Forward! by Joseph Legan, available through Too Fat Lardies.

According to the tag line this PDF aims to offer "a dynamic campaign system for tactical level games". Well, let's take a look.

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013

Showcase: Herald of Tzeentch

Heya, it's been a while since you saw the charming smile of this fella but he's finished now!

Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2013

Rules Review: Flying Lead

In the introductionary post to WW2 month I mentioned not only reviewing miniatures this month but also looking into rules sets which are not quite as widely known. Let's be honest, there isn't much of a point in reviewing Flames of War or Bolt Action because you most likely have an opinion on those already. So without any further ado, let's instead have a look at Flying Lead, written by Rich Jones and Andrea Sfiligoi and published by Ganesha Games.

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

Showcase: Van Saar Gang

Here they are, the finished Van Saar gang! Really fun to paint, the client already expressed his happiness with the finished models, everybody's happy.

Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013

Review: Commandos!

Going on with WW2 month, here's a review of an all plastics kit from Warlord Games - it's Commandos!

Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

Review: Ramshackle Barn

Well, is that a glamorous title or what? Despite this I would like to talk about Renedra's Ramshackle Barn kit which was released at Salute 2013.

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

WIP: Van Saar Gang #3

Yup, things are starting to take shape now. The hair is mostly done, the plasma pistol was snazzed up, weapon casings are highlighted and some blue details were added to the suits. Nothing too gaudy, but good enough to have some more colour in there. I guess the next update will be the finished models.

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Review: German Pioniers

Getting into full swing with World War Two month here on Battle Brush Studios with a review of 28mm German Pioniers (a charming mix of languages) from Warlord Games' popular Bolt Action range of figures.

Montag, 2. Dezember 2013

World War 2 Month at Battle Brush Studios!

I am very proud to announce the first themed month here on Battle Brush Studios - December 2013 is World War Two month!

WIP: Van Saar Gang #2

Second WIP update on this project. In the picture you can see the overall colourscheme now. It's basically the classic green along with some sand yellow coloured parts for contrast and additional colour. Kinda reminds me of Corvus Belli's studio colour scheme for the Haqqislam in Infinity. Good colour scheme. Weapons are going to be black.

I'm really enjoying painting these models. Some great details, very cool and wacky style. GW at their best. ;)

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

WIP: Van Saar Gang

Hullo, I just got this little commission job in between larger things. A small gang of eight Van Saars (for now) for Necromunda of course.

Sonntag, 24. November 2013

Blood Angels Chaplain

Here comes the second serving of HiTech models!

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

Ramshackle Barn

Along with a bunch of other things I picked up to review from Warlord Games recently I got me this fine kit here. I'm toying with the idea to call it my "Lurve Shack".

Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

Review: HiTech Miniatures Samael

We've seen the pictures of the finished Samael model, now here's my review of this kit.

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Showcase: Night Lords Commander

Heyhey, I'm finally back with some 40k commission work and what's better to get back on track than with a HUGE Chaos Space Marines character?

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

VIVAT 2013

Hello, I'm back! Things have been exciting and full of work recently but I'm starting to accept that this is the regular state of things by now. This is just a little posting to bring you up to date on things.

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

Showcase: Crimson Fists Hunter/Stalker

The second addition to the Crimson Fists is the Space Marines' new AA tank model - the Hunter (or Stalker?).

Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013

Showcase: Crimson Fists Sternguard

Back to Crimson Fists! With the release of the new codex and models for Space Marines, the fellow I did the Crimson Fists army for wanted to add some stuff to his existing army. Today: Sternguard.

Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

Review: Victrix Austrian Napoleonic Infantry 1806-1815

Today I would like to talk about models from the Napoleonic era. More specifically Austrian Napoleonic Infantry with shakos by Victrix Ltd.

Montag, 16. September 2013

Review: Warlord Games Firelock Storming Party

With this review we are going back to a historical period - the 17th century. The models are from the Firelock Storming Party box from Warlord Games' Pike&Shotte range.

Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

Review: Apocalypse Survivors - The Women

Today I would like to review Wargames Factory's latest release from their Dark Futures range. It's the hugely anticipated female apocalypse survivors. I actually have quite a lot of reviews lined up but due to requests (and WGF having gone through the troubles of sending me a review copy) I moved this up on the schedule. 

Samstag, 7. September 2013

Showcase: World Eaters Raptors

This is the closing chapter on this batch of World Eaters. Ten Raptors and I think that these models really are cool 

Dienstag, 3. September 2013

Showcase: World Eaters Possessed Chaos Space Marines

Possessed Chaos Space Marines! Once the butt of many jokes, now replaced with plastics!

Samstag, 31. August 2013

Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

Showcase: World Eaters Bikes

Just a quick (or fast even, hur hur hur) one today - five Khorne Bikes.

Freitag, 23. August 2013

Showcase: Khorne Daemon Prince

It's the metal Daemon Prince (with wings attached)!

Montag, 19. August 2013

Showcase: Khorne Decimator

After the army shot of the recently finished Khorne I was hired to do on short notice, let's start with one of Forgeworld's demonic machines - the Decimator.

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

Khorne army shots

Right-o, the Khorne batch is finished and well within the rather tight timeframe. Go me! 

Sonntag, 4. August 2013

Showcase: Khorne Hellbrute

Here's the first model of a batch of Chaos Space Marines I was called to do on a hurry for a big apocalypse event.

Freitag, 2. August 2013

Showcase: Heresy-Era World Eaters Predator Executioner

Today we got a special treat - it's not only a Deimos pattern Predator but also a Deimos pattern Predator with a DEATH RAY CANNON!

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013

Review: Mantic Ghouls

As a sort of bonus add-on bit to the last review [link], here are some thoughts one of Mantic's other plastic undead - a bunch of ghastly Ghouls.

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

Review: Miniaturicum Paint Rack

Today I got my second of these in the mail so I thought I'd do a quick review as I know from experience and from talking to fellow painters that racks which are able to hold one's paintpots are always sought after.

So let's have a look at my current weapon of choice, the Unnamed Paint Rack by Miniaturicum of Germany.

Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Showcase: Heresy-Era World Eaters Rampager Squad

Yup, we're back on track with Heresy-Era World Eaters and today it's the World Eaters "special unit".

Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013

Review: Mantic Games' Zombie Regiment

Hello and welcome to my first review of a Mantic Games product! Returning to the undead theme, let's have a look at their Zombie Regiment boxed set!

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Review: Agema Miniatures Velites

Today we'll have a look at the first release from Agema Miniatures: Republican Roman Velites. We all know several manufacturers who make roman miniatures in metal or plastic. The thing is though - these are mostly Imperial Roman Legionnaires. The Republican time, despite being eventful to say the least, is not as well covered in terms of plastics as later periods of Roman history.

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Showcase: Heresy-Era World Eaters Terminators

After all those Crimson Fists and a short detour back into the Zombies Genre and the Dark Ages I'm back at working on Space Marines!

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

Showcase: Anglo-Saxon Warlord

There he is - my own Anglo-Saxon army's warlord, of course for Saga. 

Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2013

Showcase: Crimson Fists Land Raider Redeemer

Last for this batch of Crimson Fists, the lovely ride which takes the Assault Terminators around the city.

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Review: Apocalypse Survivors - The Men

Welcome to another review of a multipart plastics box from Wargames Factory's Dark Future range. Earlier I reviewed their Zombies and Zombie Vixens, today I'm going to take a closer look at their latest release: Male Survivors. 

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

Showcase: Crimson Fists Assault Terminators

To add some punch to the Crimson Fists assault force, here we got squad Gallacus, Terminators with thunder hammers and storm shields.

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Showcase: Crimson Fists Attack Bike

Look who makes a return! Seems like Rynn City still is under siege so the Crimson Fists called in some rapid reaction reinforcements.

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Showcase: World Eaters Champions

A part of the latest batch of this by now rather large commission project which I was looking forward to the most is the characters. Not only Angron, but also the smaller-time champions and such.

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

Showcase: World Eaters Apothecaries

Some more blood-smeared World Eaters, but these fellas have a perfectly good excuse for looking like this: They, much like Dr.Satan, Dr.Quinn or Dr.Pepper, are physicians so it's OK.

Maybe you'll remember that I painted these models before for Crimson fists. The colour scheme isn't all that different this time but some subtle alternations were made (like adding more brutal chain weapons and top knots. I love top knots.) I didn't hold back with the blood on these guys due to how they're supposed to hack up friend and foe alike. Which, come to think of it, isn't all that unheard of either for World Eaters but there you go. If you really think about how muc of a mess chain weapons hacking at someone would cause I think I'm really not underdoing the splatter look. What do you think?