
Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

Showcase: Tau Army Shot

Here's the full army shot of the commissioned Tau army, sans the Stealth Suits Kill team, they were redeployed home before the rest of the army was finished. Hope you like it!

Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

Showcase: Tau Crisis Suits

And another little Tau unit! Crisis Suits of course. They actually are two teams, one of three with dual burst cannons and the other one of two with two missile pods each. The team leaders are identified by the little unit badges on the left side of their chest armour and slightly larger antennae on their "heads". Always nice working with these models. I know, they aren't the prettiest around but at this point and after being part of 40k for almost 13 years they are somewhat iconic and memorable models in their own right.

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Review: Zandris IV Pendeka Battle Suit

In today's quick review I want to have a look at Zandris IV's Pendekar Battlesuit. I got this miniature recently and thought you may be interested in getting to know this alternative mech for your sci-fi tabletop games.

Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014

Showcase: Western Desert Force Reinforcements

Yesterday I sat down to paint a few reinforcements for my own little early desert British, just so they get some more support options.

Showcase: Tau Drones

Just a quick one today, to come down from all the big stuff showcased lately. This is an array of different drones from the commissioned Tau army. By far not all of them, just a few. About a third of the total number of drones in the army is magnetized so the lower parts can be switched. I added some extra drones and options for the army for free because you never know when you need an extra shield drone. :-)

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

Showcase: Marienburg Land Ship

Hah, guess what. The unexpected happened - I finished the Marienburg Land Ship. For now.

Samstag, 5. Juli 2014

Showcase: Tau Riptide

Now that we're done with the small things for the Tau, let's go big - with a Riptide.

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

Showcase: Raven Guard Assault Marine (plus: Announcement)

In between the Tau, I painted this Raven Guard Assault Marine and wrote up a Step-by-Step painting guide (not published yet!).