
Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2016

Showcase: Dreadfleet Army Shots

Yup, finished! Time to do some group shots, right?

The pretty ships and all aside, I really, really dig that water table blanket. I used mine not only for Dreadfleet, but also for Dystopian Wars and for playtesting a WW2 carrier attack aerial game.

Dutch Angle shot of the ship inspired by the Flying Dutchman!

Painting the Dreadfleet set is always enjoyable. Maybe it's the fact that I got quite some experience doing it by now, but it also has a very good mix of things to do. Each of the capital ships is completely different and on each of them you can do different things.

The scenic bits are very cool, as are the markers. The only problem I see is that there are too few Fantasy naval battle games out there these days! Well, maybe GW redo ManOWar some time in the future.

So yeah, that's done then I say. :) I hope you enjoyed the pictures and if you want your Dreadfleet set painted feel free to contact me! Dreadfleet is kinda like Space Marines to me - I just don't get sick of painting them. It's weird, but it's true. 

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