
Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore Pt.13

...and here are some Super Dungeon Explore minis from the latest batch!

Montag, 26. Juni 2017

Showcase: National Guard of Krakow

Hej, it's another National Guard unit! This time from Krakow.

Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2017

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore, Pt.12

The rest of the batch of Super Dungeon Explore minis I painted right before christmas last year!

Sonntag, 18. Juni 2017

Showcase: National Guard of Warsaw

Now for something quite exotic - it's the National Guard of Warsaw!

Montag, 5. Juni 2017

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore Pt.11

Hey, here's something I'd completely forgotten to post! 

Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2017

Showcase: 8th Vistula Lancers, Old-School

Keeping it old-school with some more 25mm Minifigs Napoleonics.