
Freitag, 31. Mai 2019

Showcase: Pirates of the Dread Sea Scenic Shots

After the figures were done I thought I'd do some scenic shots to give them a 'frame'.

I made this landing stage especially for these photos, because frankly I don't own much in terms of nautical terrain. What you see in these photos was mostly quickly improvised.

What caused me the most headache was how to do the transition between water and land. I went with rough sea and some cotton wool for ocrean spray. It gives the whole affair quite a  dynamic and dramatic look, I think. The little row boat I'd gotten a few years ago and finally found some use for it. It's from the Freebooter's Fate range.

All of these figures (apart from the Chef, who was a Kickstarter exclusive) are available through Dead Earth Games. The next Kickstarter wave, featuring a human crew and an undead crew will start shortly, so stay tuned!

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