
Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021

Showcase: Dark Souls' Winged Knight & Sentinels


Another fan favourite! Who doesn't love the Winged Knight. And look at how straight his halbeard is too. Lovely. I added the golden yellow freehand on his tabard, so he looks proper.

In the second picture you can see his Sentinel pals. 

Hope you like the big lads!

Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021

Showcase: Dark Souls' Titanite Demon & Friends


Heyhey, time for more Dark Soulsian baddies. Here's the Titanite Demon and several enemies straight from the High Walls of Lothric. I reinstalled Dark Souls 3 just to research the look of these enemies. Because I take my job seriously, damnit!

The funny thing about Dark Souls (the video games) is that they very, very much rely on lighting for the look of the enemies. Which is something that doesn't translate all that well onto miniature. Even in large screenshots or videos it can be hard to figure out what colour something is supposed to be. And still, I had to apply some creative freedom to add at least some colour in those faded blues and greens, mainly to help tell the enemies apart on the board. I also did my best to put the ragged, torn, and very 'spotty' look onto the figures.

One of the many screenshots taken by yours truly.

Anyway, I like them. Hope you do too!

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2021

Review: TTCombat Grey Harbor House A


Today I will conclude this miniseries of reviews with a bigger model: it's TTCombat's Grey Harbor House A.

Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2021

Showcase: Dark Souls' Heroes

Today we'll look at the lovely character figures from the Dark Souls board game: Assassin, Knight, Herald and Warrior.

I did my best to retain the colours of the original pieces of starting equipment in the video games. That meant I had to add the design on the Herald's (halbeard, tan cloak) shield free-hand. The design on the Knight's shield (on his back) came cast onto the figure.

Hope you like them!


Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2021

Review: Warbases Garden Sheds


Sticking with the theme of wooden sheds, here's two smaller ones by Warbases!

Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021

Showcase: Dark Souls' Ornstein & Smough


Here's the first post in a series on the Dark Souls boardgame. I'm starting with an iconic odd couple, Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough.

Sonntag, 28. November 2021

Review: 4Ground Cabin


Today I'd like to share some thoughts on 4Ground's New France Pioneer's Cabin.

Sonntag, 21. November 2021

Showcase: Ultron, Loki & Hel


What's this! Evildoers wrecking the city! Here's Hel, Ultron and Loki for Marvel Crisis Protocol.

All nice figures for different reasons. Hel is all variations of green. Ultron is the only figure I painted for this collection using metallics (seemed approapriate), and Loki just has a nice colour scheme in general. That's one thing I enjoy about these Marvel figures: They all come with pretty rad colour schemes. Hope you like them!

Sonntag, 14. November 2021

Showcase: Bagot's (Scotch) Hussars

Today I'm showing you a unit from the Jacobite Rising 1745. And it's an interesting one: Bagot's or Scotch Hussars.

Sonntag, 7. November 2021

Review: Heresy Miniatures


It's been a long time coming. Here's my review of some figures by Heresy Miniatures.

Mittwoch, 3. November 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore Pt.32


Back to Super Dungeon Explore! Here's a bunch of Mistmourne Trolls, Nocturne (the Shapeshifter), and a Death Spectre. All from the Van Drakk Expansion Box 2.0, all lovely, all pretty darned big. The trolls are standing on 55mm (or so) bases, the bosses on ever bigger ones.

Hope you like them!

Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Zombies and Skeletons!


Today's Halloween, so let's look at the spooky zombies and skeletons!

Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Beastmen!


Heyhey, last time I referenced my past as a Beasts of Chaos player. Which is a good occasion to show the current state of my collection of Beastmen.

Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Herdstone!


This is a piece I got as a present from a good friend.. It's GW's first official Herdstone model!

Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2021

Showcase: British 15th Hussars


Heyhey, here's some more 18mm AB Miniatures Napoleonics. It's the British 15th Hussars!

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and Hulk!


Heyhey, it's superheroes time again! Here we got a good portion of the Avengers.

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Austrian Grenzers


Heyhey, here's some men of Militärgrenzregiment Nr.14, Szekler Nr.1. It's Grenzers! Other than most other Grenzer regiments, who wore tobacco brown coats by 1809, the guys of Szekler Nr.1 kept their white coats up until 1815. So that's how I painted them. Now everybody's confused when they see them, asks why those Hungarians (because that's what they look like in their white coats) wear these Grenzer shakos, etc. 

Big confusion! And that's how we like it. Hope you like confusion too! I mean, I hope that you like those figures too!

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Van Saar Gang

Heyhey, here's a Van Saar gang, made from the new plastics, for the new Necromunda.

Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Austrian Artillery


Heyhey, just a quick one today. It's an Austrian 3-pdr gun with some very neat looking artillerymen to work this magnificent piece of equipment. All Front Rank figures, so painting them neatly makes it worth the effort. Hope you like them!

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2021

Showcase: Mek Workshop


Look, it's the Ork Mek Workshop terrain set!

Mittwoch, 29. September 2021

Showcase: Crimean War Highlanders.


Heyhey, look, it's even more Highlanders! Again, without bases. Some of the people I paint figures for prefer to do the basing themselves. Either way, painting these here I learned something about 19th century Highlanders: People seem to be overly concerned with painting kilts for some reason. Those are pretty easy actually. It's those bloody socks and the things at the front of the bearskins you should be afraid of! 

But anyway, once all that's done, they make for a magnificent view, don't they. 

Hope you like them! Next figures I post will come with bases again, I promise. ;-)

Sonntag, 26. September 2021

Showcase: Sister Hospitaller


Heyhey, it's time for some Warhammer 40,000 again.. Here's the Sister Hospitaller, who - if I remember correctly - was at the start of the interesting release rhythm of the new plastic Sisters of Battle.

Mittwoch, 22. September 2021

Showcase: 1940 Highlanders


Heyhey, here's some figures I meant to post for a while. It's a collection of very, very pretty Highlanders for the dawn of WW2 or for WW1.

These are 28mm figures by Pulp Figures and they are excellent. Lovely sculpts, flawless casts. The only thing I regret is having taken that photo before I fully finished the bagpipes. They aren't 100% historically accurate for the time (kilts!), but they make up for that with character.

Hope you like them!

Sonntag, 19. September 2021

Showcase. The Amazing Spider-Man


Heyhey, a while ago I started painting a bunch of figures for Marvel:Crisis Protocol for a gentleman from 'round here. Starting with The Amazing Spider-Man.

Mittwoch, 15. September 2021

Sonntag, 12. September 2021

Showcase: Reikland Reavers Team Shots. Plus Markers!


Heyhey, it's been a long time coming, but here the full team's finally together. And they brought their markers too!

Mittwoch, 8. September 2021

Showcase: Tsar Alexander I.


Heyhey, hre's the man himself - Alexander I. Pawlowitsch Romanow, Tsar of Russia, king of Poland (for a while), grad duke of Finland, Lord of Jever (twice!).

Sonntag, 5. September 2021

Showcase: Reikland Reavers Characters


Heyhey, here's some lovely Forgeworld characters for the Reikland Reavers.

It's a lovable band of misfits, and fan favourites throughout: Helmut Wulf, Griff Oberwald, Morg'n'Thorg, The Mighty Zug & Karla von Kill.

A good bunch. :) Sadly this Griff Oberwald isn't available any more due to the release of the GW one. I'd give painting the new one a go though; he looks pretty impressive. 

Mittwoch, 1. September 2021

Showcase: Siberia Grenadier Regiment


Heyhey, last week I showed you the very dapper and orderly-advancing Pavlov Grenadiers, this week we got the Siberia Grenadiers, who I painted as a sister regiment.

As you can see, the presentation is quite different. They're all in 'action poses', and got an officer on horseback amidst the line. Much less 'parade ground', much more dynamism there, including dirt and a casualty, calling out to his comrades.

The figures are by the Perrys this time. Hope you like them!

Sonntag, 29. August 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore pt.31


Heyhey, here's some group shots of this whole big batch of Super Dungeon Explore figures. These are always extra fun with these figures, since they showcase the great amount of colours across these sets. 

Just the big guys here

I hope that you like them as well!

Mittwoch, 25. August 2021

Showcase: Pavlov Grenadiers


Heyhey, today I'd like to show you some Napoleonic Russians. Surely one of the most popular Russian formations with wargamers are the Pavlov Grenadiers.

Sonntag, 22. August 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore pt.30


Heyhey, just the one figure today, as well as two lanterns and a little bonus in the end.

Mittwoch, 18. August 2021

10mm Overview: Commanders, Cannon and Companions!


Heyhey, in this article I'll chat a bit about the less numerous, but no less vital aspects to a Thirty Years War army: Commanders, Artillery and All The Rest.

Sonntag, 15. August 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore pt.29


Another batch of Super Dungeon Explore figures! Just because they're fun. I remember the big birds giving me a slight headache during painting. The big guys were very straigthforward. Cool dudes. 

Then there's the Bill Men (get it?)...

Unique, I'll give them that. :D Hope you like them!

Mittwoch, 11. August 2021

10mm Overview: Thirty Years War Cavalry


Heyhey, last time I talked about 10mm infantry for the Thirty Years War, today I'll have a look at cavalry figures in my collection. I'll compare the three main sources I use and mention a few additional options for cavalry of the period.

Montag, 9. August 2021

The Great Wargaming Survey 2021


The Great Wargaming Survey 2021 is here! Each year Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Magazine run a huge survey among wargamers to find out trends, news, and the general vibe in our most beloved hobby. 

With all the annoyances we had to deal with the past year (from pandemics to Brexit), this year's survey should be especially interesting. So here's the link:

If that wasn't enough of an incentive to participate, there's a prize draw for everybody who takes the 5-10 minutes to fill out the survey. The more of us participate, the more accurate and a better overview we'll get of the state of wargaming.

If you're interested in past years' surveys and articles about the findings therein, you can have a look at the articles archives here:

It's a good thing, that survey, so it would be great if you'd participate. Thanks!

Sonntag, 8. August 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore pt.28


Heyhey! When it comes to Super Dungeon Explore, sometimes I can't really say much about the figures. I do however appreciate something about their figure design: theygets the chibi style spot on. Haven't seen anybody else do it so well. 

Sometimes it looks too 'western', sometimes it looks too digital, but I think these designs really work. As I mentioned before, they aren't easy to paint, but boy are they pretty once they're painted competently. Yes, yes, [my own horn] --> [toot]. But bear with me. I really like the look of these figures once they're done up all primary coloured and flashy. 

Anyway, I hope you like them as well!

Sonntag, 1. August 2021

10mm Thirty Years War Overview: Infantry


Heyhey, I'm an avid collector of 10mm Thirty Years War armies. I often get asked about these figures, so I thought I'd put together an overview of were I got my figures from and how I rate them.

Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2021

Showcase: Super Dungeon Explore pt.27


Heyhey, here's another batch of Super Dungeon Explore figures. Yeah, I painted a whole lot of these already, but a.) there's a LOT of those around, and b.) these are just so insanely pretty once painted. Not easy to paint, but boy is it worth it. Also: ninjas. You gotta love them. 

Sonntag, 25. Juli 2021

Review: Wargames Atlantic Giant Spiders


Heyhey, it's another miniatures review! I'll take a look at the second Wargames Atlantic plastics set I got. This time it's one of their very first ones - Giant Spiders

Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021

Showcase: Napoleonic Austrians


Heyhey, here's a few scenic shots of the Napoleonic Austrians I showed you recently. They got reinforced by two officers (I'm sure the guys are thrilled about that) and a light gun.