
Dienstag, 24. September 2024

Showcase: Marauder Giant!


"The Giant strides across the battlefield, yelling and belching ..." 

Heyhey, after a way too long summer pause we're back with the ill behavior of posting pictures of painted miniatures, starting with one from my own collection! 

It's the iconic Marauder Giant, sculpted by Aly Morrison, released in 1990.

I actually purchased it many years ago from a friend who got out of the hobby. Lucky for me, it already came assembled, so all I had to do was strip the guy superficially and fill some gaps with green stuff and get him painted. The first two were swiftly achieved, then the giant lay dormant for almost 10 years.

Painting the chap was a bigger challenge than I had anticipated last christmas, when I started painting him. I wanted him to be colourful of course, with several different large chunks of fabric making up his shirt. However, balancing all these colours isn't that easy. I got lucky with the general arrangement of colours and only had to go back on a choice of colour once.

The little chain of skulls dangling from his belt was added by the prior owner and is a plastic bit. Otherwise, the guy's built 'out of the box' (and I'm rather happy I didn't have to assemble him.).

Recently, a friend and I decided to get back into playing Warhammer 5th edition. I don't even play Orcs&Goblins, and my Chaos forces aren't numerous enough to warrant adding a giant. But at some point I'll find some gaming use for him, until then I can admire the perfection of his form. This to me is one of the most iconic Warhammer models and my favourite giant figure. Hope you like him too! 

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